ICN Biomedicals
Former California Governor Edmund Brown, Jr. and Roger Guillemin, MD/PhD, to the board of the Costa Mesa, Calif. firm. A winner of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Guillemin is affiliated with the Salk Institute in La Jolla and the University of California at San Diego medical school.
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Advanz Pharma would have had to show that the European Commission’s decision to revoke Ocaliva’s conditional marketing approval risked causing serious and irreparable harm, according to lawyers from Van Bael & Bellis.
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A new pilot aims to take Brazil closer to ‘digital transformation.’
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Newly proposed legislation for bolstering the EU’s drug manufacturing capacity and reducing its overreliance on foreign manufacturers includes a number of measures, such a requirement for EU countries to prioritize the security of supply over price when procuring drugs.
An enhanced role for patients in the European Medicines Agency was a key proposal within the EU pharmaceutical legislation overhaul – but patient groups warn this provision could be scrapped or weakened due to ongoing negotiations.
The buyout excludes reviewers, but not project managers. Experts said product reviews likely would be harmed if review team-specific project managers could take the buyout.